Static Build Up

First of all I want to thank all the knowledgeable people here for the information that they have imparted to me as I have been putting together my first serious analog system. Hopefully, one day I will be able to return the favor but, when it comes to audio I am way to inexperienced to give advice. Now, should any of you have any questions about surviving big surf, or what to do when your 400lb. Aldabra tortoise sits on your foot, or how to light a movie set, I am full of worthless info on these subjects.
Ok, static build up. Living at the beach I thought that this would be an issue that wouldn't come up with my turntable. I was wrong. Lately when I take a record off the table I can hear the static between the record and the plinth. Am I right that for some reason static builds up in a table over time? How do you get rid of it (I use a Audioquest brush before playing, always)?
Another option is the Mapleshade Ionoclast for ~$40. It's "made" for CD's and wire insulation, but works similarly to Zerostats.
Agaffer, sorry for the confusing "Milty". You can buy the Zerostat 3 gun from Acoustic Sounds, amusicdirect, lots of places, usually $69.95 or so.

Dweller, I hadn't thought about zapping the record while still in the jacket. Great idea, thanks.

Good advice from all the folks above, although I don't know if your platter needs zapping. My 265 platter doesn't seem to hold static. Maybe we should trade up to metal or acrylic, sounds like we're missing out! :D
Agaffer, Yes, yes it does. Mine says Zerostat 3 Milty. I think Milty is just who's making it now. I started surfing in '61 in San Diego. My first board was Dewey Weber, then a bunch of Gordon & Smiths. I use to go to Bruce Brown movies when he narrated them in person. I remember Greg Noll at Wiamea with those black and white stripe shorts and his "squat". You took me back, it was a nice trip. Have fun with your Teres!
I think "Milty" is what they call the Zerostat these days. In olden, fully leaded days, the Zerostat anti-static gun was born. It contained some kind of radioactive (no kidding) material that discharged positive electrons when the trigger was squeezed and negative when released. The Milty is the environmentally friendly anti-static gun that won't neuter inquisitive children who open it to see how it works. Before extracting, spread both inner and outer jackets and spray the record several times to neutralized it. You will almost always sense the jackets "relaxing" after static is removed. Doing this prevents airborne dust from homing in on your record as soon as it comes out of the jacket. Hold it up and zap it again right before cleaning (you DO wet clean before each play, don't you?). Next, zap the hell out of your turntable's platter and tonearm (first turn the volume to zero or switch preamp to another source -positive electrons sound like do-do thru a good system). You are ready to play your record. Zap record again before removing from turntable and spread-and-zap the record jacket before returning record. Simple!
As Doug recommended, make sure that the ground wire from the bearing housing on your Teres is connected to a good ground. That should do it. If you have an atmospheric condition that is very low in humidity, then maybe additional measures like a Zerostat would be needed. Theoretically, a good ground on the bearing housing should be all that is needed.
Thanks for the info. Huh, so the Zerostat really works. I have often looked at the ads and thought it was just a gimmick.
What's a Milty?
Love to swap stories. Been surfing since '63. First "real" board was shaped by Greg Noll (this was before he built the factory and was working under the Manhattan Pier).
I use the Zerostat antistatic gun. I got it from the Audio Advisor catalog. I blast the platter and the under side of the record being played. It works quite awhile for me. We'll swap surf stories sometime. Good Luck.
I assume you've grounded your TT bearing and tonearm.

My record pre-playing ritual goes like this, also with a carbon fiber brush:
- dust platter at the start of the session
- dust underside of record (don't grind dirt into side B)
- zap record with Milty (it does eliminate static)
- clamp record, dust and touch a grounded piece of metal (tonearm) before lifting brush from record

Despite all this, a static-free record still builds up static by the end of play. I assume this is due to friction from the stylus. Yes, the tonearm is grounded, but apparently there's no path to ground from the record surface. There used to be a record-riding brush with metallic fibers and a ground wire, but I haven't seen one of those in years.

I zap the record with Milty again before it goes back in the sleeve, so it doesn't attract dust while sitting on the shelf.
You mean you don't use a Zerostat gun? This is mandatory both before and after you play...
I might use some advice about getting a 400 tortoise off my foot. I hate when that happens! :-)

As far as static, you can try touching something grounded as you use your Audioquest in the other hand. Sometimes it helps to run a ground wire from the TT spindle sump to a grounding point. Keeping a small humidifier in the room can help. If you have carpeting, I've heard of folks diluting fabric softener in water and spraying it on the carpet near and in front if the table.

In my experience, it has mostly been ME who has the static (shuffling across the carpet, etc.) and find that if I touch my hand on something grounded or rub it across the top of my TT stand before removing the record, I have less trouble in that regard. Good luck.