Starting From Scratch - What would you do?

I am looking for a simple system that I will not regret or want to upgrade. (if that is possible)
1. Integrated Amp (DK Design, Music Fidelity)
2. Speakers - Monitors (I always liked the Totem Mani-2's - but I just heard the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors - just awesome)
3. CD/SACD player (Linn, music Fidelity)
4. Maybe a sub (Sunfire True)
5. Cables and interconnects ???

This is where I have started - I am just looking for a real nice and basic system. I am open to all suggestions and opinions.

Where are you? Have you taken the plunge?
I agree, start with good speakers, then source. Avalons are fantastic. I prefer the Eclipse- both for the $ and your room size which is close to mine. Tubes are a great/preferred match for the Eclipse. BAT VK60 are awsome, but can be tweaky. The Eclipse demand power, so keep that in mind. Ayre, BAT, Edge are candidates.
Please post an update so we can give you our advise. May not be the best, but it's free!
Your system has too many wires and is too complex.
Much refined sound in Triangle Celius and Rogue Cronus Intergrated with less wires and no sub.Very clean well defined musical sound.I heard this combination at a friends and was fairly impressed with sound for the dollars.
1.- Naim top to bottom, except speakers
2.- Quad top to bottom
3.- Musical Fidelity
There'll be as many suggestions as there are posters I'm afraid.

If I could do it all again, I'd probably try buying a pair of mint, or easily restorable, clean JBL 4343, or 4345 pro Monitors, and a modern SS Amp, due to no worries about breakdown, re-capping-etc. Something like a Mac 402, or pair of 501's, MacCormack DNA 500, and live happily ever after. Mark