starting from scratch system

Dear Audiophiles:
I’m new to hi fi and looking for some advice about a system.
My room is a finished basement, about 11 by 16, with 6.5 foot ceilings. There is a carpet on the floor, and the room has some funny angles to it, so I need something that isn’t too fussy. I am thinking mini-monitor. I would like to be able to play CDs and am also thinking of getting my first turntable. For this reason, I have been thinking of a Rega system, since their turntables (even entry level) seem excellent. I play a lot of jazz but also rock, pop, blues, and country.

Since I am starting from scratch, I could really go many different directions. My budget for the whole system is around 5-6 k. I wonder if forum members have any ideas for me about possible system configurations? Here are some things I have been thinking about:

-Rega Brio R, Rega Apollo R, Rega Rp1, with Harbeth P3esr

-I am also intrigued by the KEF LS50. Is this too much speaker for the size of my room? Would it work well with the above components, or would it need more power? If so, I have thought about running the Kefs with a Rega Elicit R (paired with Apollo R and Rp1). Or switching to the Musical Fidelity M3i? Or would the KEFs run better with Naim amplification? If so, which Naim would pair best, and does this mean I need an external phono stage? (The Rega Rp1 is “plug and play” but I still don’t even know what this means.)

-Does anyone yet have any experience with the new Dynaudio Excite x14?

Any ideas most appreciated! If this was your room, what would you do?
Mcanaday-If your from Canada the Canuck Audio Mart is a good 2nd option. Used gear is not a bad idea but you have to be very careful, your much better off buying a demo from a dealer and saving nearly as much money. Also look into the future with your system so upgrades can come in small increments. As you see with many of the posts most of us don't agree(lol). Why focus on a subwoofer(where a small % of music exists) that can cause more negatives then positives. With the speakers I suggested the need for a sub is mute, unless Virgil Fox and Michael Murray dominate your music collection? Focus on the source(cdp) and the cables that are able to communicate the music to the amp and speakers. Your next future upgrade should be your amp in the system I suggested. That's why I recommended a good but modestly priced int. amp to start with.
Thanks, Audiogoners, for all the amazing advice. I learn so much from this forum. For example, it didn't even occur to me that I would want a power strip! And thanks too to BCgator for taking the pressure off and for suggesting I will know I have created the right system when I am dancing naked in front of it. And thanks as well Cwinfrey and others for the push on buying used equipment and getting more system for the money. I really like this idea. Are there other places I should be looking besides Audiogon, and any advice about smart ways to approach the used market? with thanks! M.
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Mcanaday-I will try to put a system together with all NEW components here goes...
Speakers-Silverline Prelude Plus
Cables-Audio Magic-Liquid Air
Power Cords-Opera Audio-Ella Baby
Power Strip-Opera Audio-PW3
Power Filter-Shunyata-Venom Defender

I didn't just throw good quality components together to fit a price point. I just recently listened to a lesser Onkyo cdp and HT receiver drive a Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 with decent results, which really impressed me. Since the SF 3.0 is a demanding speaker requiring a lot of power/current to really open up. The Onkyo Reference gear that I recommend is from the flagship line which will be plenty for the efficient Prelude Plus. The Silverline Prelude Plus is just a great versatile allrounder which will work with all types of music. With the slender Prelude Plus you will avoid the need for speaker stands and will get better bass then with most similiar priced monitors. The Audio Magic Liquid Air(entry level) cables may appear $$$ for your system but they have to be the best current value in cables, they lifted a haze from my system! I currently use Opera Audio Ella Baby power cords in my system. They are big, bold and dynamic they do some things better then my Acoustic Revive-Reference power cord. If your not familiar with Opera Audio contact Quest for Sound, nice people that should offer you a discount. You will need a power strip and the all metal well made Opera-PW3 that has surge protection is a great cost effective choice. The plug in Shunyata-Defender will at least give you some filteration at a minimal cost. I left out racks/vibration control/room acoustic products because this is such a personal decision on how important and how much more money you want to spend. Enjoy the journey!
Lots of good input so far, here's what I can offer...

- You're looking at lots of great brands, so you're off to a great start and whatever you bring home this first round of buying, chances are it's good stuff and made well

- While they're all great brands, they may not all sound great to YOU. This is a lesson I had to learn - speakers that were reviewed well and loved by many turned out to not be my personal cup of tea, but there was no way to know that without trying them first on an extended basis (for more than just a 72 hour home demo). You may choose great pieces and get them home together and after 2 months you're wondering why it's not ideal. If that happens, don't despair, and don't put too much pressure on yourself now to get it perfect the first time. Chances are, you probably won't, and that's ok. It's fun to discover and try new equipment.

- Cwinfrey's suggestion to buy 2nd hand, demo, used, audiogon, etc. is a good one. I did that, bought stuff in mint or near-mint condition 2nd hand, tried it, and if it didn't work I could resell it and recoup 90-100% of my money. You don't always have to buy used, but try and do so where opportunities present themselves.

- Keep an open mind, don't be afraid to try brands that may be off the beaten-path, and let your ears in your room with your music be the judge. Even if 100 people tell you to pair a Ragu integrated amp with some Ronzoni speakers and that it's the greatest thing in the world, if they don't make you dance naked then try something else. You'll eventually find yourself dancing naked (like the guy in Silence of the Lambs?) and you'll know you've created a great system.

- While there are tons of great brands out there, you may find your ability to demo or try certain brands limited simply by what's available in your area or available 2nd hand here on Audiogon. So while the choices may seem overwhelming (they were to me), the reality often turns out to be less overwhelming as you may not be able to actually try all this stuff without great financial risk or expense so start with what you can get your hands on easily and work outward from there. And yes, building a good relationship with a local dealer can be very rewarding, and being limited by what your favorite local dealer carries may not keep you from creating a great system.

Hope all that rambling helps...
Tannoy Revolution DC6, especially the Signature model. There was a pair listed on Echo Audio this weekend.
I have the KEF LS50 and I really love it for near field listening but I think I would not like it as much at a distance. I know a few people that have questioned me on this statement. I listen to the KEF's on average 5 hours a day at my desk and I will say again, it is awesome. I use a Parasound Halo A23 amp with the KEF.

I have my Thiel SCS4's in different room with similar dimensions as your room (though higher ceiling). I have some big Bryston 4B-SST amps on these small stand mounts. There is better bass on the Thiels over the LS50 and the base adds a lot to the sound.

The Thiel and KEF have the same type of driver design for the tweeter and mid-range. The price diff is about $500 more for a new Thiel. I recommend the Thiel with some good solid state amplification. I tried the Parasound A23 on them and they were not as good as the more powerful Bryston.

BTW - the SCS4 did not garner the best reviews 50/50 but I think it is a very good speaker for the price.
Sorry. I meant W4S MPre ($1100) not Oppo 105 as you will need analog inputs for a turntable. You will need to take a step down in amplification to fund a turntable under the setup I proposed.
Oppo 105 (preamp, USB dac) $1200
W4S Mamp monoblocks $1800
Spatial Trilogy T2 speakers $2400
Spatial Quantum Field speaker cables ($500)
Pair of balanced IC for the last $100

$6k total. Performance that will far exceed your expectations for a "budget" system.
Naim, MF, Wyred, Rogue and Parasound all make wonderful integrated's that will work well in your price range. Easy to set up and flexible with a wide variety of phono pre's.

I am partial to Naim Nait 5i-2 if you have the KEF LS50s. Two great British manufacturers with lots of experience and well reviewed products.
I suggest that you start with a good pair of Dynaudio's and build your system from that starting point. I just saw Focus 160's and X12's for sale here on Audiogon. Try to buy demo or trade-in or discounted from a reputable dealer for your $ safety.
Good Luck