Starting afresh with a Linn Sondek LP12...

Hi! I'm new to the high-end audio universe and would be grateful for some guidance and suggestions.

I have a vintage Linn Sondek LP12 turntable and would like to keep vintage with vintage. My living room is approximately 24 sqm and space is unfortunately limited. I listen mainly to classic rock, jazz, world and some newer eclectic stuff (from Fennesz and Tortoise to Converge and Sunn O, etc).

I'm not very technically inclined, but do have a sensitive ear and strive to find a good setup. With this in mind, I feel lost in terms of pre-amps, power amps and speakers.
Having looked around online, I seem drawn to second-hand Marantz, Lamm and Shindo. Also with speakers, considering my taste in music, I'm not sure where to begin.

Given space constraints, I would ideally like to avoid mono-blocks, hence the Marantz 7 + 8B seem like a good combo, but I don't wish to dive into the deep end and regret it.

Before committing to anything, I don't want budgets to be the deciding factor, but realistically the amps and speakers shouldn't go beyond US$ 15K.

As a footnote, I'm currently working in Beijing, China, voltage here is 220V, 50 Hz. It seems a lot of vintage gear (whether US or Japan made) is 110V. Would running the gear through a transformer noticeably affect the sound/performance?

Appreciate any thoughts you can share.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by zd542

Not all components are good to buy vintage. A vintage tube power amp may work OK for you, but there's no way that I would buy a vintage preamp.