Start of tube rolling series on my blog

Hi, Folks,
I’ve started a little series on tube rolling on my audio blog. You can find it here: http://https//
Another informative and classily done writeup, Rebbi, as always. Thanks! I hadn’t previously been aware of the "Wall of Sound" comparison test.

Given the less than stratospheric prices of these choices, I’m starting to think that an upgrade of the **eight** 300Bs used in my amp may be in my future at some point. (Although I understand the amp can be run with four of them, with half the power capability). The amp presently uses brown-base 300B-98s, screened and supplied by VAC. I’d have to be sure, though, that any replacement is truly Western Electric spec-compliant, or in my amp (which drives them particularly hard, and considerably harder than the Kit1) the tubes (and perhaps the amp) would not last long.

BTW, regarding, I’ve made a few purchases from them over the years, all speedy and perfect.

Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Rebbi,
I have to agree with AL, I always enjoy reading your blog and also your posts on this site. I look forward to your impressions of the 300bs. This is one tube I've had much experience with over the past 6 years. Some pf them can get rather expensive granted, but I love this output tube.
Al, well spotted, thanks! I'd never used the URL button on this forum before and didn't notice the duplication.
Thanks again.
A very nicely done and interesting read, Rebbi, as always.  Thanks!  Looking forward to your 300B report.

Following is a corrected link.  Note that by default the "insert URL" button above the response box in a thread inserts "http://" at the beginning of the URL.  Which may not work if you then paste in a URL also including "http://" or "https://"

Also, there should be a colon after "https"

Best regards,
-- Al