Well, the Cremona M is a pretty good sized floor standing speaker, so that is a whole different approach. The Cremona M received quite positive reviews and is said to be an improvement over the original Cremona. As to whether it is an "upward move", that depends on what kind of sound you like. I do think they will sound quite different than your R3s. One nice thing I read about them is that they are largely free from dynamic compression, which is high on my list of attributes in a speaker. In terms of having the ability to elicit musical enjoyment from the listener, I suspect the Cremona M will be superior.
Stand mount to floor stand.
I currently have KEF R3s with 2 KEF R400B subs. I'm pretty happy but have been thinking about moving up to a larger full range floor standing speaker. I have an opportunity to try the Sonus Faber Cremona M and get them on the cheap.. I have never heard them. Is this a upward move or a lateral move? My amp is a Yamaha AS2100. I've done some reading, they're pretty efficient and 4ohms, that should be good for my Yamaha. Any input is appreciated.