"Stairway To Heaven" Plagarism court case


Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

Everybody "steals", but P&P took it to the max.  Check out this video.

You are going to see more lawsuits like this as a result of the Marvin Gaye "Got To Give It Up" ruling.  It doesn't have to be the melody or the chords, but the "feel" can now be infringed.  Artist used to be driving the lawsuits, but attorneys are now marketing their skills and trying to solicit clients.
To clarify me earlier post, I'm a big LZ fan and the fact that they have a history of stealing others' material is just some baggage that come along with the group.  Remember what Joe E. Brown says at the end of "Some Like It Hot"!

Tostadosunidos, you may very well be correct.  I just think some attorneys are in there's blood in water shark mode and we're going to see more lawsuits.

Bdp24, I don't disagree with your assessment of 60s British blues players in general, although I do have serious respect for Clapton, Peter Green and Mick Taylor as blues guitarists.  One of my favorite guitar solos of all time is JP on the Yardbird's "Smile On Me", but the song is straight rip-off of Howling Wolf.  But then again, Chester Burnett didn't really write "Sitting On Top Of the World".  Everybody steals.