SST Ampzilla 2000 SE MB and Ambrosia Preamp

Looking at SST Ampzilla 2000 SE monoblocks and Ambrosia 2000 SE tube preamp combination for my hard to drive CS 2.4 Thiel speakers.  Is anyone familiar/experienced with these SST products?  The few reviews available are glowing and the price is right.  I am thinking this would be a better route than comparably priced hybrid integrated amp.  Thanks


I just picked up a pair of Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition monoblocks for my Thiel 3.6 speakers. I was driving them with Herron M1 monoblocks and they sounded great, but I wanted to see how they would respond to more power. They now have more body and dynamics and detail and are just a tad warmer. I'm using the Herron VTSP-360 preamp. I'm happy I made the upgrade. 

Two years ago while looking at amps, I saw a pair of V1’s that caught my attention. I reached out a couple times to the seller with questions.  These had been freshened up,and ready to go,but I thought about listening habits.  These would have been total overkill for my tiny listening room. I still wonder,what if?? 

I went with a new Pass Labs integrated for about the same money.  I still want to hear the 2000 SE amp and the Ambrosia combination.  They looked so good and the feedback I got only confirms that they are excellent gear.