SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II

Hello everyone,
I have been driving my Vandersteen 2ce Signature IIs with tube integrateds since I bought them 4 years ago. My current amp is a PrimaLuna Dialog HP Premium with the stock EL34s and NOS Ciftes in the preamp section. I am searching for a bit more clarity, especially in the mids. I would consider moving to a solid state power amp and either tube or ss preamp if it would provide the clarity I am looking for (and if I could find a buyer for my PL). Wondering if anyone out there has made the move from tube integrated to solid state power amp with their Vandys, and what sonic differences you noticed. I have heard good reports about Ayre and Bryston, for example, and have seen several of each for sale here (looking at used gear only). My room is sizeable and multipurpose--open floor plan, with 15' ceilings. Listening position is about 7' from the speakers, which are pulled out about 3 feet from the back wall.


Vandersteen 2ce Signature II, PrimaLuna Dialog Premium, VPI Prime, Hana SH, SimAudio Moon 110 lp with outboard power supply, Jolida 100A, Auralic Altair, Mapleshade Golden Helix (double runs in biwire configuration), various interconnects (Blue Jeans, Signal, Heartland), GIK Acoustics room treatments.

He also talked to me about the problems in pairing tube preamps with ss power amps.

Sometimes I rotate in different class A/AB SS amps with my own 6sn7 based tube preamp just to remember where I came from and revisit every once in while. The hybrid tube-pre and ss-amp approach can sound more lush and open at first, yet it still has that two dimensional sound for my ears. While I do like the hybrid approach for a bit, then put any of the tube amps back into play, and the layered three dimensional sound and more relaxed sound stage with all-tube returns. The choice also depends on what type of presentation you are looking for, and once you go back and forth a few times, you’ll get a better idea on what you prefer. 
Glad to be of service. That is what this forum is for.
Johnny is one of the best dealers out there. And, believe me, as a NYC guy, I came to hate dealers with a passion. But, Mr. Rutan broke the mold.
I located a very clean Bryston 3B SST and an Audio Research sp16, both of which should arrive next week. Then I can do some A/B testing and make a decision. Looking forward to the trials!
Them's two nice nice amps.
I will await your opinion. I have never listened to either, but I do know they are well respected manufacturers.
Hi again, everyone! 

I have been living with the Bryston/Audio Research combination for a few days now, and am very impressed. It seems to be doing exactly what I wanted it to--mids are much clearer, bass has more punch and authority. I haven't gone back to the PrimaLuna since I installed the new gear, but I am hoping to do some proper A/B testing this weekend. More as it develops.
