
Responses from eskelinfan

Is an ARC LS17SE a significant upgrade over SP16L?
Thanks as always, Johnny. I really appreciate your insight.Chris 
SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II
I just spent a nice day with my son, comparing the Bryston/Audio Research combination with the PrimaLuna Dialog HP integrated. In the end, we both preferred the solid state power/tube pre combination to the full tube integrated. It was pretty obvi... 
SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II
Hi again, everyone! I have been living with the Bryston/Audio Research combination for a few days now, and am very impressed. It seems to be doing exactly what I wanted it to--mids are much clearer, bass has more punch and authority. I haven't gon... 
SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II
I located a very clean Bryston 3B SST and an Audio Research sp16, both of which should arrive next week. Then I can do some A/B testing and make a decision. Looking forward to the trials! 
SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II
I had a great conversation with John Rutan yesterday. What a cool guy! He spent about a half hour with me, asking about my system, my room, and my music preferences. I mentioned that I am a jazz musician, and he told me about the drummer Billy Dru... 
SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II
Great--thanks, Bob. If I decide to stay with tubes, I will likely hang onto the PL, and think about rolling in an octet of KT150s. Looking forward to hearing what John has to say. 
SS vs. Tubes with Vandersteen 2ce sig II
Thanks, everyone! I had a pair of Gold Lion 12au7s lying around, so I rolled them into the middle slots of the preamp section, and that helped the focus a lot. Buy comparison, the Ciftes seemed "shouty," almost like they were adding reverb. I sent...