SS preamp with tube amp

I toying with the idea of using my Esoteric integrated as a preamp to pair up with a tube amp.  I'm wondering if I will get the "tube sound" with this set up.

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Showing 6 responses by greginnh

Thanks Matt and Charles,  

I am searching for the specs on my Esoteric F-05's preamp  output impedance as well those for potential amp - a MC275. 

Hopefully, as Matt indicated, there will be acceptable impedance  values on both ends!

Thanks soix.  Good advice for sure.  If and when I get bored with my Esoteric F-05, I may spring for something along the lines of MC 2301 with maybe C2600 preamp.  

Suggestions of course, welcome!

For the record, I am very happy with my integrated amp. I was just curious if the SS preamp made sense as I had an opportunity to scoop up a MC275 for a great price.  It's just an OCD thing with me, I can't leave well enough alone!  

My second rig is a Primaluna DiaLogue premium paired with Audio Physic Tempo Special Edition speakers so I will have to "settle" for that sound in my living room!  

Thanks for all the great advice!