SS preamp with tube amp

I toying with the idea of using my Esoteric integrated as a preamp to pair up with a tube amp.  I'm wondering if I will get the "tube sound" with this set up.

Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh

Showing 5 responses by charles1dad

I’ve used tube preamplifiers exclusively for the past 20 years and actually agree with what atmosphere wrote regarding superior low level information retrieval. Only in the context of the OP’s question concerning "tube character" I happen to believe that the power amplifier offers the greater degree of this character.

I use 300b mono blocks as you do and I am certain you’d love a high quality tube preamplifier. My SET amplifier sounds wonderful with the Coincident Statement Line Stage and the Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamplifier. Also excellent with the VAC Signature preamplifier. Kenny I think your bass issues could be partially explained due to the placement of your Hornings. 
Your Boulder SS preamp driving 300b tube amplifier is an excellent example of what I meant.  It can be done quite successfully. There are othere on this site who've done this as well. 

The bigger issue with the Aerial speaker is the difficult impedance characteristics more so than the low speaker sensitivity. 

Hi Greginnh,

Your speakers were likely designed to mate with a SS amplifier given the Stereophile measurements provided by soix.  That's why in my earlier post I stated that "assuming" you had speakers appropriate for a tube power amplifier.


Generally the output impedances of SS preamps are quite low so I suspect you'll be fine.



Given the context of your inquiry I’ll state my perspective. In terms of obtaining or retaining "tube character" I believe the power amplifier has more influence in that regard than the preamplifier. I believe that SS pre/tube amp or tube pre/SS amp (the far more common approach) can both be successfully implemented. The "quality" of your preamp is the critical variable. If your objective is to have the intrinsic character of tubes present in your system then the tube power amp will have the more dominant impact as it’s directly driving the speaker. Obviously this assumes you’re using appropriate speakers with the tube amplifier. I’m not suggesting the tube preamp has no contribution but that it’s less than the amplifier. Let us know what you hear with your SS Esoteric and tube amp.I use a tube pre and power amp. Hypothetically If "forced" to give up one, I’d keep the tube amplifier and obtain the best SS preamp I could afford.
