SS Integrated amplifier advise, please


I went from an integrated amplifier to separates. And I am unhappy with the result. I would like to keep it simple and go back to an integrated amplifier.

I need a SS 100w-175w in 8 ohms.

My budget is about $1140.

If it matters I am listening to ALL kind of music (from classical to heavy metal and anything in between - jazz, world music, electronical, etc).

In your opinion, which integrated with the list price of $2850 or less will best serve my interests.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by rob_techsupport1081

I think the Sim Audio i-5 recommendation is not a good one. The i-5 is not very versatile sound-wise, if you wish to cover a large variety of music.

Even though you wish to have more power, I would suggest you have a listen to a Naim Nait 5i. It sounds subjectively much more powerfull than it's rating imply, and is much more refined-sounding than most of the higher power competition. The Mac 6450 is also nice (used to own this one too, with the Sim I-5). Again here, no contest with the bright-sounding I-5. Its the Mac hands down, and you have ( horror! tone CONTROLS!) knobs to rotate past the cost of expensive interconnects to ,'tailor'' your sound!

Good Luck !