
Responses from rob_techsupport1081

tube amps with El 34s your favorites ??
I second the Arpege, but I wouldn't buy one again. I used to own this amplifier. It is in my opinion in the top 2 or 3 of many that I have owned. HOWEVER the following reasons make me stay away from it. For one thing, dealers are almost non-existe... 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
In my case, I hit the top of the hill with the Parsifal, in Big-time diminishing-returns land. They are the absolute best I have ever heard, owned and will own in the future. However, I think that for a LOT less money, you can get truly excellent ... 
Verity Audio
The Tamino is a bit of a speaker searching for itself in the Verity line. Although it does share the same exquisite attention to details, it never really took off as much as their award-winning Parsifal and Fidelio.Part of this can be explained by... 
Best Integrated for Sonus Faber
I used to own the SF Grand Pianos. My personal experience:Worst SS integrated with the GP's: Sim Audio I-5 (dry,dark and lifeless, huge bass but artificial one-note thump, and not just with the Grand Pianos by the way)This integrated is the prover... 
Best cables for Simaudio Moon system??
Could it be that Moon gear will never be your cup of tea sonically speaking? Same thing happened to me, when I realized that the ''moon'' sound never gave me the involvement I wanted or that I deserved given the astronomic pricing of these (in my ... 
Any reliability horror stories out there?
Sim Audio MOON I-5, what a lemon.I had a REAL horror story when my I-5 took a static discharge from me touching the volume control. Volume went from 10 to 50 in less time than it takes to blow up expensive Avalon speakers. What a lemon this amp wa... 
Polk Audio LSi 15 - are these the REAL DEAL ???
YES THEY ARE THE REAL DEAL. Real glad to see that this line is getting some of the visibility it deserves.I have owned these speakers for 2 years, and purchased them in part because of that 2002 Golden Ear award from Absolute Sound on the LSI 15, ... 
Cary CAD-572SE MK2
Gee, I guess good'old Dennis forgot to mention a thing or two during his now-famous self-promotional comments. Things like the fact that the 572 tubes real working life comes in at about HALF the lifespan that is mentionned in the amp's owners man... 
SS Integrated amplifier advise, please
I think the Sim Audio i-5 recommendation is not a good one. The i-5 is not very versatile sound-wise, if you wish to cover a large variety of music.Even though you wish to have more power, I would suggest you have a listen to a Naim Nait 5i. It so... 
Int. Amp Recommendation
I know you are asking for SS recommendatiosn BUT..consider this. Get a Cayin TA-30 tube integrated, beautifull sound, great looks, and very reliable PLUS an inexpensive cd player, such as a Shanling CDS-100 MkII that has a variable output with rem... 
Worst remote nomination...
SIM AUDIO remotes are frustatingly heavy, and take the ''Heavy faceplate'' spirit to new heights of stupidity.There is absolutely no need to carry a chunck of metal this big around just to get remote operation. A friend of mine dropped his on his ... 
Bryston VS Musical Fidelity
To me, Musical Fidelity gives meaning to the term ''Flavour of the month'' in Audio. Their ''Limited Edition'' way of putting out products is marketing hype aimed generating a false sense of urgency for overpriced gear. I've had a few MF units ove... 
any new Quad 11/12L owners?
From the smaller quads, go to the 22L's. They are wonderfull speakers, sharing the qualities of the 21L, but with better (and more) bass. I do not agree that the 21L sounds better, maybe with average amplification. Feed the 22L a quality signal an... 
Quad 21L/22L
No absolute way any QUAD products are fatiguing - no way - if they are , look ELSEWHERE in the system to found the culprit. All QUAD gear is NEUTRAL if on the warm side, but fatiguing, hardly.... 
What is the best tube integrated amp?
I am using this absolutely incredible Cayin TA-30 amplifier with a variable output cd player that has a remote. Works fine. Shanling is a good match to do this.