Squeezebox+Power Supply+Reclocker or???

OK so I really like my Squeezebox Touch, put the Teddy Pardo power supply on it a year or so back and it does a fine job running into my Metrum Octave DAC.

Was seriously considering the new Wyred For Sound reclocker as a possible upgrade but was doing the math and I'm well over a grand for the 3 pieces with cables and I'm wondering if I'm nuts do go this route when there are other streamers available.

Is there something out there right now that I should be considering instead?


Showing 1 response by riffer


You will only be disappointed by the poor interfaces from the non-LMS devices out there.

Similar setup here: Touch + Pardo, but I have also done the EDO hack to output to my USB dac (Audio-gd Masster 7). I found it a little better than the BNC or RCA coax inputs. I would definitely try that first.

To be honest, I think even the Pardo is overkill when using the digital outputs. I only bought it to prevent noise being injected back into the mains from the Touch wallwart.