Splitter on preamp outputs

I have a Elekit TU-8500 ( by the way it sounds great ) tubed preamp on my audio system that only has one set of outputs to connect to the amp . The thing is that I would like to use a subwoofer with my maggies Could I use a splitter interconnect in order to get one pair of interconnect to the main amp and another pair to the subwoofer amp without any deletrious effect on the sound ?

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

The thing is that I would like to use a subwoofer with my maggies Could I use a splitter interconnect in order to get one pair of interconnect to the main amp and another pair to the subwoofer amp 

without any deletrious effect on the sound ?

Maybe. If both impedances are high enough, sure.  At worse you may suffer a rolloff in the high frequencies. Try it.