Spikes for very heavy speakers

Andrea II at 215lbs each - they come with spikes but my question is..... Since I will be placing them in my basement which has concrete slab....should I first get a small piece of thick solid wood...say 1inch think and place them on such a wooden platform or do you think it is OK to have the spikes direct on the concrete.... 
My only concern is of course that under such weight and no normal flexibility like you get with wood floors or even thick carpet - the tips of the spikes may bend slightly or the surface may chip making the speaker unbalanced / uneven...
I am not talking about significant crack or anything like that... but say even 1/16inch "dimple" 

thanks !

Showing 1 response by glennewdick

I think you also have to take into account 215/4= 53lb is aprox what each spike see's (speakers are not evenly weight distributed) not really too much when you look at it like that. 

If it were me I'd get some ISO acoustic footers for your speakers they do wonders I'm my system and they are not that expensive. Just get the ones for your speaker weight as they will need to support that 53lb each. 

If your really concerned and want to go very cheep go to a local machine shop and get them to turn off some metal discs (brass for example) with a dimple in them for under your spikes. that's the lest expensive way to get floor protection. 

I never understood why people here never think to use here local machinist for many of our simpler metal work.  most seem to want to buy some expensive thing with a fancy name, made in another country then use a local shop to make the same thing or better for 1/4 the cost.