SPICA revival and modification

When I just began getting into audio as I hobby, I remember reading about Spica loudspeakers. They were always able to get into Stereophile recommended ratings eventhough they were fairly affordable. Sadly, the company has been shelved after being bought by Parasound, and after having read an interview article with the mastermind of the RIP company, I wonder if these speaker can be bought used and refurbished with new drivers that would also preserve as much of their original sound as possible...The designer said that the Audax drivers used on the Spica Tc-50s, 60s and Angelus are gone, they are no more and that the crossover components may get corrupted. Any experience with these speakers gentlemen? I am very interested in hearing from actual owner with factual stories of what they did with the set ups when they blew up....I remember ST saying that the SPICAs needed to be matched carefully, not with high wattage. PAUL

Showing 1 response by seandtaylor99

I used to own Spica Angelus. Fabulous imaging, and very non-fatiguing, but unable to play rock music due to very thin bass and limited dynamics.

I switched them for Green Mountain Audio Europas, and I haven't missed them. The Europas do everything the Spicas did, but with improved high frequency, greater transparency, and much better dynamics.

The Angelus were a great speaker, but limited by the driver technology of the time. You can do better for not much more money with modern speakers.