Spendor speakers


I'm looking into Spendor speakers,what's some of the classic,great models to look out for,sleeper models too.
Good value models,vintage is fine too..

I've got the current S8E's and they sound fantastic. Smooth but extended highs, really good bass, terrific imaging... a great speaker in any age, and they do come up used from time to time here on A-Gon.
spendor bc1/69's (only 69 pairs made)...ls3/5a's..both incredible and beyond rare....still under 2k when you find them.
BC3s here -- the best speakers I've owned or heard chez moi in 35 years. Like electrostats but with more bass and volume capability.

I'm thinking Spendor, and am interested in them because of these vintage B&W DM4's I picked up. The Spendor BC1 was very much the same,same mid and super tweeters as the DM4's.
These vintage B&W's are freakin wonderful and totally open. So,I thought Spendor's would be worth checkin out too.

Thanks for all the comments and info!
I've owned a paid of Spendor 1/2s for four years and still wonder at their ability to embody acoustic string (bluegrass, Malian, etc.) and put across well-recorded piano music, like Debussy and Oscar Peterson. Solo voice, like Naïve's Vivaldi recordings, also flourish. Since I bought these black beauties from a Nashville Audiogon seller, and the vintage is plausible, I like to imagine they were Johnny Cash's way of hearing. On the warm side, as others have noted. If you prefer the dry and analytical, these Spendors may seem just a little too wet. But if you're like me, B&W (for example) sound like sandpaper blocks. Personally, these old Spendors make my ears grin.