Spendor SP200 Speakers, and a Few Others

I've read a good bit about Spendor speakers in the forum over the years and always been intrigued, but I've read very little on the SP200. Anyone out there heard them?

For context, I've been pretty happy with my Tekton Encores, but am spending part of my spring auditioning alternatives just to see what else is out there. I currently have some Wolf Von Langa SON speakers in on audition and will be auditioning Fyne F704 speakers this weekend, which should be a fun contrast to the dimunitive (at least relative to the Encores, the F704s, and the Spendors) but truly excellent SONs. I have well over a hundred hours on the SONs now and they still seem to be fleshing out and opening up more and more each day, but I'm not yet convinced we have a love connection. Fortunately, I have them for another ten days or so before having to decide. I could potentially audition the Spendors as well, but it would be a long drive to hear them.

In any case, I would welcome anyone's experiences with any of these speakers, the Spendors included. 

For context, my room is 20 x 20 with a cathedral ceiling and I will be driving whichever speaker I ultimately choose with the Boulder 866, which I just love. I'm hoping to find speakers I love just as much. Ah, spring, when young hearts grow restless and audiophiles ponder system changes!


Showing 1 response by mofojo

   Those Fyne F704 look really cool. Would love to hear your feedback on those. 
    I heard some Spendor either S100 or SP100 a while back at my uncles home. They were good for sure. Depending on your listening preference they would definitely be lacking slam compared to your Tektons and sound totally different. Very easy to listen to. Great vocals. To me rock sounded a bit slow and slightly lacking dynamics.
    What are your thoughts on the Tektons compared to the  Wolf Von Langa SON so far?
    I had some DIs for a couple years and eventually moved on from them. Amazing for the money. Mostly good memories with them although i do like most things about my new speakers better except probably mid bass which they were totally awesome at. Would consider Tektons again at some point but would move up the line to something like the Encores for hopefully a little more refinement. Where are you located Walter? If you decide to sell your Encores I would be a potential buyer maybe.