Spendor A5r Inquiry

Seeking input on Spendor A5r... pursuant to a few somewhat recent changes, working from home a significant one, and moving my Creek Evo 100A into my home office, I am looking to upgrade the attached speakers. I am a bit smitten with a set of A5r on offer. Is anyone here in a position to comment on this model or offer any insight on the pairing with my Creek amp. I have not heard them, but here is what I can imagine: clear midrange, good detail and resolution, rhythmic and musical (fun), not fussy about placement, good bass for their size. There is some info online, but really not much compared to seemingly most other Spendor models. Also not filling me with confidence is that the reviews i found conclude that they are great speakers, but smack of some initial disappointment. Any experience?
Thanks both for your encouraging comments.  I would very much like to try Spendors.  I am still uncertain about the A5r but leaning toward giving it a go.  Thanks again for sharing!
the reviews i found conclude that they are great speakers,but smack of some initial disappointment
The key word is "initial". Spendors and Harbeths definitely have their own "sound" borne out of their BBC monitor design philosophy. My advice is not to judge too quickly. Listen and learn what music is supposed to sound like. The education will be enjoyable.