Spectral Owners, Are you staying Spectral Loyal or leaving the brand behind?

Spectral requires you to use a Spectral preamp and MIT cabling. I followed this path for 20 years. Some have used other equipment, Preamps, cabling etc. I found that Spectral would Not, Play well with Others. I waited 6 months for a 30SV preamp. It was "Magical". I ordered a pair of DMA 400s. The next day, the 30SV stopped playing well with my Manley Steelhead. Then my Pass XOno.  I tried everything Alan Goodwin recommended, including an expedited trip to the factory. After 2 months, I gave up. Sent 30SV back for full refund, cancelled order for DMA 400s. Bought Pass Lab electronics. System is Happy and so am I. I still miss the 30SV. I am waiting for the "Mythical" Spectral dedicated Phono stage for 12-13 years now. I am a vinyl guy. I have heard the Spectral CDPs. They are wonderful in a Spectral system. But I am a vinyl guy. I am certain if the dedicated phonostage is ever finished, it too will be an awesome piece of equipment. What are loyal Spectral owners doing?

Showing 3 responses by joenies

Greetings nkonor
What a shame about your 30SV. When you say that it didn't play well with other equipment, could you explain a bit more? 
I have a Specral system , 30SS and DMA360's with mostly all MIT Spectral cables. Bought system in 2009. I have been using MIT cables since 1985. 
I also have been waiting for the Phono Pre-Amp. I have not thought about it in a long time. Not sure if it will come out in my lifetime? would consider buying it when it is released?
I have considered buying a different system once I move to the lower 48. I  live in Alaska. 
I have not noticed that the Spectral gear doesn't play well with others. I have hooked up a ML390 cd, JC3, Parasound Tuner, ModSquad Phono Drive and Aesthetix Io Mk II (not hooked up yet).
My hearing might not be what it was yrs ago, so if you would explain a little bit more what you heard when you said doesn't play well. I would appreciate it very much. 
Hello Norbert,
My goodness, what a nightmare. Sounds like they should have given you a new second unit to try. What a shame. I also would want my money back and give up on Spectral. 
Glad you are happy with your new system. 
I have not had any of the problems you listed. 
I've been up in Alaska since 1989. I'm retired now, so it's time for me to move back to Colorado. 
The one thing that is so annoying living up here is the price of shipping large electronics back to the lower 48. Also the winters are getting tougher to deal with. 
The best of listening to you. 
Greetings Bigby,
It's good to hear from other Spectral owners. 
I just re-read the Stereophile article from Jan. 1996. They tested/reviewed the Avalon / Spectral / MIT as a complete system. Fun read if you have that system. This article made me want a Spectral system. 
I bought a pair of Radian HC's in 2007. They sounded good with my ML system w/ ML 20.6's. with MIT cabling. I acquired a pair of MIT 850 triads in 08. My ML system died in 09. 
I turned 60 in 2010 so I bought the Spectral 30SS and DMA 360's. 
I'm happy with my system. I have had no issues with system. 
I'm going to change my cable from the 30SS to DMA with Balanced MIT cable. I have always ran single ended with system. I'll see/hear if it sounds better. I was told that Spectral suggested using single ended. 
I would also like to know if you are using balanced cables. 
The only thing that I regret is waiting so long to get the Spectral system. I think if you wait to long for something you might be disappointed. So go spend a lot of money and buy what you want today if you can. 
Good listening