Spectral or Ayre (combo)

what would you choose if the decision needs to be made from two systems between these combo's:

Spectral Audio preamp Dmc 12 + power Dma 150 


Ayre Acoustics  pream V-5xe  + power K-5xe

Thanks  for your opinion and brief comments.

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Reading the forum comments gives the impression that Ayre is more acceptable. But isn’t Spectral Audio a higher level than Ayre?

Not sure how you are judging here.  By cost? 

Ayre is among the very best sounding gear money can buy.  I've heard different, but not better.
Wow, I cannot imagine any two sets of electronics sounding more different than each other, so much so that it feels odd trying to recommend either or the other because I am sure you'll have very strong feelings one way or the other which will make my typing irrelevant.

Having said that, Ayre all the way. :)