Spectral DMA 200

Have recently acquired a Spectral DMA 200 amp and can’t hardly find any information about this amp. I call the manufacturer and was a dead end. Per chance would anyone know where to source an owners manual/spec sheet? Any info would be much appreciated. Many thanks

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Showing 3 responses by lewm

If MIT cables are a must to prevent oscillation, that suggests it may be unstable when fed either ultra high frequencies (above the audio bandwidth) or DC at the input. Have you tried cabling with capacitor coupling a la MIT? Like Transparent, etc. have you looked at the output loaded and unloaded on a good wide band oscilloscope? That might tell you a lot.

Is it possible to send it to Spectral? I’m not sure they are still a functional company.

I searched a bit and didn’t find anything relevant to a schematic available on line.