Speakers you regret selling

I was lucky to own Sonus Faber Extrema, Acoustic Energy AE1 Signature, and Dynaudio Confidence 5 in the past. They are rare in used market and can make any owner happy for the rest of his/her life. So I swore to myself I would never sell my Sonus Faber Amati this time though my wife has heard that a million times. What did you regret selling?
I used to have a pair of JBLs w/marble tops, 15" woofer, and an acoustic lens horn that served as tweeter/mid range. Anyone remember the model name of those speakers?
I feel there is always somthing you remember about the first really good set of speakers/audio equip that even when you move on to equip you know is sonicly superior it just doesnt move you the way the first good system did.
Its like the first time you get a girl friend alone you cant repeat that first time feeling .
And its when you keep trying in both arenas that it can get VERY EXPENSIVE !!
regret the recent sale of my 5 Totem Mani-2's and a Theta Dreadnaught amp- made an awesome home theater setup- just needed the $$...
ADS L810's in walnut -perfect with stands- for $200. Would have been great in my rec room now. My first, and worst, internet trade on my upgrade path.
I certainly regret selling my Cabasse Atlantis speakers. They were the ugliest things ever created ( 8ft. tall with a huge eyeball protruding from the pyramidal front) but they were amazing transducers. My wife made me choose between them and our marriage, and I chose poorly.
Sometimes I regret selling my Vandy 1c for its softness and musicality but when I return to my listening room with Totem Forest I forget all about it!
I know a number of you will "booo" , but in the late 70's I lived in a 2 family house in Boston. I purchased a set of Altec Model 19's in Oak finish. This was during the "days of the horn." For those of you without grey hair or unfamiliar with these ol' boys, they are "Voice of the Theaters" in a fancy cabinet. My poor landlords. We moved out soon. I had alot of fun blowing out candles for our (drunk) friends. Those were the days when "louder was better." They didn't sound too bad either. Ah.. to be young again!
Hales Revelation (Concept?) II's -Looked like Batman's speakers, two-way with a great eight-inch carbon-paper woofer and not-to-shabby aluminum tweeter. Cardas wired and, the best part, concrete front baffle! Sold these so I wouldn't have to move them... Oh well...
I'd enjoy having my Acoustat Model 2's back again, provided I had a dedicated listening room for them. They had an incredibly small "sweet spot", no deep bass, and were inefficient as hell, but for a solo listener with the right amp, they could be terrific.
I would have to agree with you, Ive owned the Acoustic Energy 1 and 2s, and regret getting rid of both...actually the 2s got toasted due to a bad amp.

add to the list, Stax F81s ELS....a midrange to die for.
i would find it very difficult to part with my Extremas as my best audiophile friend not only purchased the very fine Amatis but kept his Extremas for his home theater set-up and will never regret that decision!
I like Timo answer! Ditto...I regret giving equipmemt to "friends" and not getting paid what little I was asking! I do perhaps regret trading in an old pr. of Fisher XP-7's for some stupid spks. in the 70's.
If you find something that you like but doesn't exactly fit the system that you have, why sell it ? Now you've got another reason to build another system that is better suited to getting the best out of those speakers : ) Sean
I miss my Magnaplanar Tympani 1Ds. I would own them in a sec, (the 20.1s actually) if I had the space. Haven't had the space in 25 years. Miss those babies. Hey, I don't pine away, but given your thread, it brought me back. peace, warren