Speakers that mate well with Jeff Rowland electronics

Does anyone know what Jeff is using at the factory to voice his equipment? Or any combinations that you have great sucess with Jeff's equipment

Showing 1 response by greggtrgi

i purchased my audio physic virgos last year based on a magical listening experience i had in a hotel room (!) at the last stereophile show in L.A. my brother and i sat down in this very small hotel room on a couple of standard spartan looking chairs with the speakers no more than three or four feet away. they were mated with rowland electronics (i think it was his integrated amp) and i don't know the cd player that was used. the sound was incredible...smooth, lifelike, tonally just right, etc., etc. i never forgot it and as noted i bought the speakers as soon as i could afford to. don't have the scratch to step up to Rowland gear as yet but believe me, it also is burned deeply in my audio memory banks.

best of luck and enjoy the search.
