Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space

I am looking for comments on what speakers you have heard that provide a lot of depth, but with the depth, also layering and separation in the depth or soundfield.

Width and openess is one thing, but depth with layering and space from front to back is much rarer.

One speaker that recently impressed me was the PSB Synchrony One with Mcintosh amp and front end.

I've demoed a lot of equipment but don't hear this aspect that often.

Any comments or experiences to share?

Showing 1 response by mechans

Tubes are generally required for highly dimensional sound. I am surprised that has been mentioned mainly as an aside. I don't discount the value of good speakers I use JM Lab Focal Electra 936s in my main rig .
When I switched to tube power amps (later I added a great inexpensive tube pre) the sound became magical, halographic, layered, textured, airy, crystalline, very deep and wide. My audio buddies kept saying how good my speakers sounded now. What did I do to them they wondered? I said the speakers are exactly the same. The amps made the difference. And for the umpteenth time I will repeat you must use tube power amps to get this effect. I was given this advice from my old pal Trelja. He could'nt have been more correct.