Kenjet what is so superior in your system that others don’t know ?
itismany times theQuality + plus system synergy ,Thst being said since I have been rebuilding the biggest weakness even in good speakers theQuality of the Xover
which is the ♥️ or 🧠 of thespeaker ,most are average quality at best .
having owned a Audio store for a number of years until around 2010
rule on most all audio ,25%is all that goes into the product including packaging ,the rest R&D overhead and markup . That’s why electronics can add up $$ fast to have premium parts , speakers included, cables have the most profit margins for the companies , everyone has different taste ,and your room acoustics, and room treatments can have a profound effect , any weak link in the chain can totally throw off the synergy and balance. Spending 40+ years i have had pretty much out there in Audio types , now I look for high quality value in design ,no more$100 k+ audio systems . For $40-$60k you should be able to have a very respectable sounding system.everything takes time, unless you have $$ deep pockets.