Speakers sound too bright.

I just bought a new pair of Martin Logan 60xti speakers.  They are too bright and fatiguing.  I would like to avoid returning them.  I've tried toeing them in and out.  I cant get them further than 1ft away from the wall (back of speaker to wall).  I have a about 1-2 hrs of play time on them.  Not sure if break in will help settle the upper frequencies down. Any suggestions...?


Following the thread I understand you have no carpet no furnishings nothing to dampen the brightness of the speakers. The room is as important as the system.

If you put furnishings in the room it's going to affect the sound just as putting carpet on the floor or putting up damping material on the wall. Not very many systems are going to sound good in a bare room. Speakers also need to be broken in as stated by other people on the forum.

It all about matching the preamp and power amp to the speakers. You're not going to go out and buy a Krell amp for them speakers, yikes too bright. You can try different interconnects to change the sound as well, you know to soften up the sound and make it more musical. Try different things and if everything fails, take them speakers back for a refund.

All speakers in the world sound distorted and bright, except Wavetouch audio Antero speaker.

Compare Antero sound vs. Magico A-1, Focal Sopra No. 1, TAD Me1 below



Magico - in video, Jay’s voice is perfectly natural. So, this is honest A1 sound.


Focal - People’s voice sound great in recording. So, this is real Sopra sound.


TAD - Accuphase + DCS. (expensive!)


Alex/Wavetouch audio

I had similar troubles and even switching speakers did not completely ameliorate the problem. It turned out that I have a difficult room and was able to get beautiful smooth sound by addressing that. A good test was to buy some cheap gobos (portable sound absorption panels on stands) and use them to block the first reflection points (use a mirror to find those). Also I did some near field listening. That made the harshness go away, so I could tell it was the room. We now have a lovely display of strategically placed pillows. Also found that, with the listening couch against the back wall, reflections off that wall were harmful. Pillows again. 

IMO the room is the red flag.

wait 200 hours, then decide on room treatment.

the lack of symmetry may create other problems but you must know that and that’s off topic anyway.