Speakers sound too bright.

I just bought a new pair of Martin Logan 60xti speakers.  They are too bright and fatiguing.  I would like to avoid returning them.  I've tried toeing them in and out.  I cant get them further than 1ft away from the wall (back of speaker to wall).  I have a about 1-2 hrs of play time on them.  Not sure if break in will help settle the upper frequencies down. Any suggestions...?


Swap in  a pair or 2 of Jps Labs Super Conductor series 1 interconnects

Will tame them down,

Dont overspend on this If you do not like them return them

I had the ML 15i and didn't find it bright but I tend to favor speakers some find brighter for whatever reason.   Had Focals if that tells you something and have a variety of others that most would not call dark or warm.

Although they were very articulate and voices semed natural with good control of sibilance and very suitable for movies, they couldn't convey space/spatial effects well in soundtracks and sounded a bit unnatural and perhaps fatiguing with music particularly instruments for me. 

I blamed this not on the tweeter but the Alum woofer that for some reason I do not seem to like.  I tried alot of speakers with Alum drivers, some better for my tastes than others but all sold or returned, regardless of the great discounts I received.

I would say if they are bothering you, either you can sell them or if returnable, then do so.  Some well liked speakers by most do not work for all. 

As for myself, I seem to like paper/treated and/or polypropylene woofers better regardless if the tweeter it soft/metal/AMT, etc.  Metal infused drivers seem to much in certain ways for me.  Even if it is made to sound refined, it still seems off for me.  Exciting yes, overall listenable...not so much, but that's me.




@larry5729 if you don't have any constructive suggestions then keep them to yourself.  We are not here to berate the guy.

@bigtwin that web site you shared is intriguing. I have a very challenging listening room - 15’ wide, 24.5’ deep, 6.67’ high (yeah, low ceiling) with a couple of support poles and ceiling beams across the width. And, there is a corner angled in the back. Ignoring the poles and beams, the app suggests cutting the back of my room to about 20.15’, which eliminates the angled corner, nominally giving me a "black zone" set of dimensions!

It’s interesting enough that I am ordering a ceiling rail and thick curtains to see what happens. Thanks for the tip.

BTW Two side-by-side systems:

Eversolo A6 to PrimaLuna EVO 300 Integrated to Klipsch Heresy pair

Roon Nucleus One to McIntosh C53 (DA2 DAC) to MC312 to B&W702S3 pair with REL t/7x pair