Speakers for electronic/hiphop/rnb [$4000 range]?

Hello everybody,

Let me start off by saying I don’t know much about hifi. I’m trying to educate myself by visiting forums like these and I’m learning some things but most information goes over my head. And most of you listen to classical/rock/jazz so it’s hard to find an opinion that is relevant to me without asking. I currently have a set of Kef ls50’s that I blind bought because of amazing reviews paired with an arcam a19 integrated amplifier and it’s basically the best purchase I’ve ever made. It’s made me appreciate music in a different way and now I would like to upgrade to a new setup in a designated music room with new speakers and new components. The room will be 12x17.

A store near me sells Harbeth speakers but I think I read bass is lacking in these but I may still try to audition them, I’m not really sure what else is well regarded in my price range..

Showing 2 responses by swbarry

I think you may want to  have a budget in mind before exploring.  Otherwise you will get recommendations ranging from $2K to $200K.  Do you have budget range?