Speakers for Creek 5350SE+Arcam FMJ CD23T

I'm looking for speakers for my Creek 5350SE+Arcam FMJ CD23T set. I listen to jazz, vocal jazz, some rock.
I'm considering Jmlab Electra 926, B&W CDM 9NT, Vienna Acoustics Bethoven, Sonus Faber Grand Piano, Virgo II, maybe Dyns.
Any suggestions of a good match before my listening sesions would be greatly appreciated.
I will 3rd the Epos.

I have heard the 5350se with the M12 (i think that's what they were called - the Epos bookshelf speaker) and it was a really good combo. Crisp, clean, detailed. Perhaps a bit 'hot' for my liking. I would imagine that with cabling, this could be tuned to your liking.

Make sure you switch the stock jumpers for something a bit better. And I would use full-bodied sounding speaker cable if you go with this combo.
Give Kinima G1's a try. They have a nice soft dome that is easy on the ear than compared to the B&Ws 600s and Epos. My 40w Audio Aero system drives them very easily. I also listen to mostly jazz and these speakers will highlight every detail there is. With what you save on these speakers, get yourself a pair of Van Den Hal power cords to tighten the bass up. For info, go to google, Kinima g1, Wombermill, cached or Zetag corp.
2nd the Epos voiced for Creek. Or B&W 602 s3, I didn't find the Creek could drive CDM 9's. Creek really doesn't have much power.
Epos...share same distributor as Creek...whom I believe now own the company...they have a small floorstander which would be a nice match...check out audioadvisor.com...
Give the Audio Physic Spark III a shot. I am driving them with the 5350se and have been happy for some time now.