Speakers for a very large room?

Reader of posts for a few years but have not posted a serious question until now. Currently have McIntosh integrated tube amp with some old KEF speakers. While I enjoy it in my current setting, I am moving to a house where my listening room will be 30' x 40' x 10'. It has polished concrete floors. Sounds like a grocery store but it is not. I suspect I will need to change speakers but really have no clue where to start. I listen mostly to progressive rock but also anything in the same general area. I don't know where to start with such a room? I am at least 3 hours from any major city. I did experience Treo CTs once and to bright for my ears and Wilsons but did not care for the visual appearance though liked the sound better. It was a few years ago so can't better define what I liked.  Not a great resume of listening experience but it is what it is at this point. For some reason, which may be completely wrong, I am thinking electrostatic may work well in this setting. I could easily move them 5 feet out from the back wall but then again I really don't know what I am talking about. Any kind comments would be appreciated.

I was not familiar with JBL Studio Monitors until you gave your strong recommendation for them. I am sure they sound just fantastic in your set up.

I think there is a misunderstanding.

1 - It was not a "strong recommendation." It was a suggestion for you to see if you liked the sound and it fit your budget.
2 - I don't own JBL, I make my own. The recommendation was based on your room size and music preference, which is not my own. :) I think you should see if you can find used in your price range.

I only wish I could upgrade to that level of listening that you endorse. Maybe one day I will be so lucky. Thanks for your insight. We all should be so greatful to receive such well thought out replies.

I think it would be a good idea to have asked about your budget first. Used studio monitors in the size I am thinking of are probably in the $2k range. Perfectly reasonable to rock out in a large room. Of course, you could spend a lot more with JBL than that. :) 

Rich, you might give Eric Alexander of Tekton a call.  He makes speakers that can fill a big room and sound very good doing so.  I think he may have a demo pair of his big new Ulfberhts for sale. 


I recently moved to a house with no clear path to fine audio due to open plan, multi room flow, 10’ ceilings.
My speakers are MG 3.6 powered by Sim Audio Moon Pre/Amps, and have always sounded amazing throughout the house.  I intentionally made no audio decisions until after we moved in and got the furniture, etc. dialed in ... then start audio testing the space by moving a pair of whatever youre using now and moderate volume.  Listen for audible distortion odd reflections. 
My MGs, being line sources seem to make a stage in front, but create the sense that you are walking through adjacent rooms at a concert, like the classical opera house in Buenos Aires suggests.  ... 
more later ... please, first test your stuff in your new place before buying anything!

You’re welcome....(You didn’t want that new car, did you? *G* ;)
Choice of amps and source material shouldn’t make much of a difference, but I would ensure the neighbors are  Very *ah* 'tolerant'....)
Just kidding, Rich. roberjerman1’s suggestion (if you’re interested in omni’s) for Walsh’s is good; better would be to go to:


...and return to the ’originals’, brought into the 21st century. *S*

If you could ’do’ 4 with a nice ’quick’ sub for the 'bottom', the result would be nearly transcendent....IMHO.

Happy listening....*5’s*