speakers cables for Lavardin and Harbeth?

I’m vastly enjoying this beautiful combo: Lavardin ISX Reference and Harbeth M30.2 XD, currently using Belden 9497 and been reading about the following options:

-Canare 4S11G
-Mogami 3082
-Morrow SP4

Any advantage changing them?

Rest of system: Rega P3 50th Anniversary and Node 3gen.



Showing 1 response by akg_ca

I have the HARBETH 30.2XD’s driven by a REGA OSIRIS integrated amp, with a REGA ISUS VALVE cdp/DAC and MOON 280D MIND2 streamer/ server/ DAC source .


I. don’t drink Amy of Alan Shaw’s pontifications and force-fed KoolAid that speaker cables don’t matter with his HARBETH speakers. After much personal and hands-on experimentation with many options including, inter Alia, BELDEN, ATLAS, CHORD, NORDOST FREY, VAN DEN HUL  and a myriad of other “budget” vablesc I thankfully landed on premium build CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cables as best of breed in my system .

I run a full CARDAS CLEAR model cables array in my system, but but I specifically experimented and chose the REFLECTION model specifically for the speaker cables,  on the direct advice of CARDAS engineers to tame a room brightness introduced by a lot of large glass windows.

Tthe CARDAS REFLECTION / CARDAS CLEAR loom was a step-up from my predecessor NORDOST FREY full loom . My experience had an audio performance improvement in MY system ( emphasis added) that’s was not subtle.…full stop.

My take:

= each to his own ….experiment yourself and there is no one-size fits all magic bullet solution IMO … carry on ….

and choose wisely