Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?

After a 20-year hiatus (kids, braces, college, a couple of new roofs, etc.) I'm slowly getting back into hi-fi.  My question: is there really anything significantly new in speakers design/development/materials? I'm a bit surprised that the majority of what I see continues to be some variation of a 2- or 3-way design -- many using off-the-shelf drivers -- in a box (usually MDF at it core) with a crossover consisting of a handful of very common, relatively inexpensive components. I'm asking in all sincerity so please don't bash me. I'm not trying to provoke or prove anything, I'm just genuinely curious. What, if anything, has really changed? Would love to hear from some speaker companies/builders here. Also, before one of you kindly tells me I shouldn't worry about new technologies or processes and just go listen for myself -- I get it -- I'll always let my ear be my guide. However, after 20 years, I'm hoping there's been some progress I may be missing. Also, I unfortunately live in a hifi-challenged part of the country -- the closest decent hifi dealer is nearly 3 hours away -- so I can't just run out and listen to a bunch of new speakers. Would appreciate your insights. 


Good comments above - I'll add a few points.

Like pretty much all manufactured products, the quality range has compressed as the industry has matured. There are hundreds (thousands?) of speaker models available now and for the most part they are all pretty good for their price points. This is due to thousands of refinements that keep improving the quality as the bar gets raised higher and higher.

Breakthroughs are few and far between. Every manufacturer wants to say that their cone material or their crossover design is revolutionary but it is just marketing hype. There are a few examples where the designer is truly doing something different, i.e. MBL, but even that technology has been around for decades.

If you can possibly swing it I would highly recommend that you go to an audio show. AXPONA is coming up but there are shows all around the country. There is just no better way to hear how different speakers compare.

I'm going to give my view on a related question. I have a Krell preamp (KRC-2) and amp (KSA 300S) plus a pair of Thiel CS6 speakers that all date from the mid 90's. I went to the 2018 AXPONA and I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that my system holds its own compared to everything but the megabuck systems. In a few cases my system sounded better, to my ears, than speakers costing 6 figures. I can't tell you how many systems I heard where the cords, cables, and interconnects cost more than my entire system and the sound wasn't anything special. Granted, my room is more optimized than a typical room at the hotel but if there has been some sort of breakthrough in the last 25 years I can't hear it.

There was one notable exception - the MBL room playing the 101 Extremes Mk II. The sound in that room was indeed different and better, at least to my taste. I went back again and again and concluded that this is the system I would own if I could afford it.

Look up Tekton Design speakers. They use a tweeter array to reproduce killer mid range. For me personally after a long journey of listening to many many speakers I stopped after being dumb struck by the Double Impact. THIS was the sound I was looking for.

If you can possibly swing it I would highly recommend that you go to an audio show. AXPONA is coming up but there are shows all around the country. There is just no better way to hear how different speakers compare.

I'd love to do this if within a reasonable distance. How do you find out about the shows? Anything in the Southeast U.S. (e.g., Atlanta, Charlotte) in the near future?


Full disclosure - Speaker designer / manufacturer There are advances in materials all the time.

Thanks for your perspective. Very informative. Any other designers/manufacturers out there willing to weigh in? 

Jaybird, We are located in Charlotte and welcome everyone to stop by for a listen. You don't have to be in the market for new speakers to stop by. We enjoy meeting people and making new acquaintances.

Capital Audiofest outside of DC   capitalaudiofest.com

Florida Audio Expo     floridaaudioexpo.com

are the closest to you.