speaker upgrade fever

I'm considering a speaker upgrade to compliment my Aesthetix Mimas integrated. Currently, I've got KEF Ref 1 monitors paired with (2) REL S/3 subs. Must stay away from bright, analytical and clinical presentation. Room size 12'x19'. Music is jazz, acoustic Americana, Chamber, symphonic etc. 

Looking at the ProAc K1, Triangle Duetto and the DeVore o/baby. Also, a huge departure, Vandersteen Treo CT, floor standers. I understand Vandersteen pairs well with the Mimas.

Always open to suggestions, happy to buy quality used and demo.

Budget, ~$8-$11K


+1 for Harbeths. I have the 30.1s (large 2-ways) and have heard the 40.1s (even larger 3-ways). Superb, musical sound in both cases.

Well, I've decided to buy a pair of JA Pulsar 2 graphene monitors. My rationale, it's RARE to find them available on the used market. I can't pass on a chance to own this speaker at 1/2 retail. They've always. been on my speaker bucket list. Also, there are always Harbeth 30's available if I change my mind.

Well when you can find a better speaker than the’ old’ Pioneer S1-ex’s with its S-7ex center let me know.  Maybe the TAD CR’s…maybe

JA Pulsar 2 graphene monitors - great choice! Looks like a good match from your sonic preferences (jazz, acoustic Americana, Chamber, symphonic) meaning you seem to value acoustical accuracy without sacrificing musicality. Both your Mimas and Pulsar fit the bill.

Please keep us posted - we like to hear success stories or to learn something new