Speaker stands

Hi eveyone,

My uncle is downsizing and recently gave me a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S2s.  Most of the reviews I found strongly suggest using them with the then available stands which raise them 11 inches.

I am hoping any Matrix 801 owners might have experience with/without using stands.
Not even sure if the original stands can be found after so much time.

Found a set of used Sound Anchors.  
Just wanted to get some opinions before taking on the expense and effort (hard to find people to help lift them onto the stands these days!) in getting these things shipped across the country.

The speakers are in a 14 x 17 room with hardwood floors, minimal room treatments.
Bryston P26 preamp
Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition monoblocks
Mostly jazz, classical, funk/fusion and some rock.
Streaming for now. Haven't gone the vinyl route yet.
