Speaker Shipping Restrictions

Can speakers be shipped internationally in the current security environment? I have a friend in UK with a pair of speaker cabinets that include Lowther drivers (strong magnetic field) and I want to know if they'll get through to me in San Diego. Are there restrictions in shipping products with such magnetic fields, or packaging restrictions or codes that would apply for international air shipment?

Thanks in advance!!
Ag insider logo xs@2xjedwards
If you dig you will find an FAA guideline for how much magnetic radiation can be present at a certain distance from the magnet. I don't think a pair of speakers packed for international shipment would be a problem. You might try calling a couple of international shippers. They should have the guideline on hand. A few years ago, post 911, I was bringing in cases of drivers from Sweden via air and I didn't have a problem. Then I was bringing in shipments of speakers from China via air. Unless something has changed your probably OK. Worse case would probably be that the shipment would be consigned to a flight that does not carry passengers.
no such restrictions are in place,rest assured that customs will give you a bit of a hold up though.

you should be able to bring them in any old time.

The short answer is you CAN ship them. With so many restrictions now, (I am ok with this....) I am told that speakers are ONLY allowed to ship on CARGO planes, and that carriers now much 'make reservations' for space, as we do on every flight. Because of this, it isn't just a matter of pick up, ship, movement. Now, it is pick up, hold and wait for a spot to open, then ship and move.
