Speaker cables for paradigm studios

I am looking to upgrade my system. I'm most likely going with the rogue audio Sphinx2 to pair with my paradigms. I have studio v1 and v3 speakers. I have Aq type 4 now. Is it worth biwiring? $300-500 range depending on biwiring. Thanks
Clear Days Double Shotguns with Paul's jumpers will walk all over AQ type 4, not even in the same league, not even close. An older cable, the AQ Sterling is still a very respectable cable which I know well is closer to the Clear Days. Between the Sterling and Clear Days, I'd still pick Clear Days. The Clear Days offers everything the older Sterling has but is a little more relaxed, extended and open. If you can find a later set of Sterling that is still a very nice cable but guessing you can buy a new set of Clear Day Double Shotgun for less, so why bother. The Clear Day just disappears.

As far as your Paradigms go, I have taken my set of Double Shotguns to my local Paradigm dealer and they sound great on them which I feel speaks highly on how neutral the Clear Days are because I feel all Paradigms are a little hot on the upper frequencies compared to others. 

Clear Day Cables Double Shotgun cables will really open up your Paradigms and make them disappear. The post above are dead on; Paul makes it so simple to try his cables it's really a no brainier. If you do decide to audition Paul's cable, have him send a set of jumpers with as they're a great value as well. My Dad uses Paul's jumpers on his Sterlings. Paul really needs to push his jumpers as they're really good and I bet most Clear Day uses don't even know he offers them.
Bi-wiring seems to be a bit of a controversial way to go.  Seems like most people, and even some manufacturers, recommend either doing a double wire shotgun approach or single wire with good jumpers.  Some people report benefits going one of these routes where others hear no difference (my speakers sound marginally but significantly better with a double run).  Probably depends greatly on how the speaker and/or crossover is designed, so I agree with the above that a free trial is the best way to go.  I wouldn't expect huge differences here, so if there are other areas of your system that could use improvement (i.e. power conditioning, dedicated lines, room treatments, source, etc.) I'd probably address those first, but that's just me.  Best of luck.
Thanks guys, gave Paul a call. I'm new to the forum, and I want to take my audio system to the next level. 
You can check out the pictures of Clear Day jumpers in my system. Click on https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/xSrWBvtRQyeAcIt2kJnZ/convert?rotate=exif. Though Paul suggested 2-wire jumpers, I insisted on 4-wire jumpers. He said there would not be any difference between 2-wire and 4-wire jumpers.  Paul never tries to oversell. I am very happy with the Clear Day cables.