Speaker Cables and Connectors

What are your recommendations for speaker cables and connectors for Focal Kanta No.3 speakers?
I find it somewhat amusing when folks suggest that I should get the cables that sound the best to me... I appreciate their assistance and I certainly understand the logic. However, how am I supposed to purchase the cables that sound best to me? I know of no retailer who will let me borrow a set of cables, test them on my system, return them and then try other cables. It is not a realistic option, in my opinion. Thank you for the suggestion, and I do appreciate it, but in today's retail environment, those like options are not feasible.
There are retailers that allow you to try their products, and return them if they do not perform.
Once again, it would help to know what you are using in order to ascertain what would be best for your system. I would think The Cable Company would enquire the same info if you were to contact them regarding cable recommendations.
My suggestion is to match your speaker cable with your amplifier --- and not with the speaker.  Your dealer can help advise on what cables work well with your amplifier (or cal the amplifier company and ask them).