spakers for various genres

I started looking into building a system strictly for music listening and based on some recommendations I'm trying to start the process by first choosing a speaker. This turns out being not the easiest thing since I like quite a variety of music and from what I can see from the reviews online most of them focus on jazz and classical. I'd say that my main albums are metal (all kinds) and rock (anything from classic to more modern stuff), but I do listen to a lot of blues and jazz as well so I'm trying to find a speaker that would work well across all these different genres.

Part of my problem is that I can't find too many dealers in my area that can carry a variety of speakers. All I found so far are Dynaudio, Vandersteen and Totem, but all at different dealers that aren't even in the same city, all with different hardware running the speakers. I didn't spend too much time with the Vandersteens because I didn't have my music with me, but from what I can tell they have a very focused sweet spot and they require quite a bit of space and the correct room setup for them to work at their best. Between the Totem (Mani) and Dynaudio (Countour S1.4) I liked the S 1.4 better, but I don't know if it was the room or hardware; the bass seemed to be tighter, but still just as deep, instrument separation was great and the cymabls just sounded more lifelike.

So I wanted to ask the more experienced people around here if I'm in the right ballpark looking at these speakers, or should I focus on something else. I wish I could try out all these speakers in person but I need to narrow it down to a few makers first.
If your musical tastes include rock, metal and other types I'd suggest you give the Legacy Focus HDs a run. These speakers handle the gamut of music from classical, jazz all the way up to rock, metal, and many other types extremely well as an excellent (and affordable) price. The brands you mention are all quality brands and sound great for various types of music...
I started my journey much like you.I started with a fair speaker,cdm9t,I went and listened and did they sound good. I got them home and it was not the same sound.Granted, once the 5.1was playing it was rocking.however the most detailed,crisp,sound came from a pair of klipsh kg4s.if i had to do again I,d make sure the speakers are 3way and full frequency range.Cables will also play a part.supra 1.6 topped the two cables ive used.I invested in a 2 of a kind tricked out audio ref. pre that is idle. the axiom passive is the lick.something simple for 2 channel? if you have an amp and source.very reasonable to set up Save money and enjoy great music Good Luck
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll have to check out those speakers.

I don't have a budget in mind since I usually like to buy the right thing the first time around even if it means paying more. However I have a target of around $3500 for the speakers.
3500 can buy a lot of excellent speakers. I recommend you stay with a good dealer in your area. The speakers you mentioned are all excellent and good buys.
The reason you can't find too many dealers carrying multiple lines is; nobody supports local dealers. Brick and mortar is as dead as Kelsey's Nuts.
The dealers who put their lives on the line, their homes their families futures, were done in by the internet.
That's sad, but true.
The voice of experience.
Look into Omega Loudspeakers. I listen to the Super 8 XRS Alnico and couldn't be happier. My musical tastes vary from Bach to Classic Rock to New Age to all types of jazz. A regular grab bag of musical types and I have never felt slighted by my Omegas in any way. If you live near NJ and would like to hear my pair contact me and we could set something up.
You are doing the right thing by getting out and listening. Don't let people tell you that because you listen to rock you need extra bass or highs etc. Rock is VERY demanding (much like classical). I have found that if a speaker gets rock right it will sound pretty good on most stuff. Looking for good tonal balance is a good place to start.

Lots of good speakers out there keep listening.
At $3500 range I'd go Zu Essence. Super easy to drive (i.e., 2A3 tube amps) and will rock your world and play all other genres very well too. And no sub required. These are really special speakers and Zu offers trial period. Beg Zu to have them set them up for you too.
Tyler Linbrook signature systems (used, $1900~3200 in Agon) or D2 (used, $3200~4000 in Agon)?
I have Linbrook SS, and it is pretty good in its price range. I listen to mainly Jazz and classicals but occasionally rocks, folks, metals, ...
The reason you can't find too many dealers carrying multiple lines is; nobody supports local dealers. Brick and mortar is as dead as Kelsey's Nuts.
The dealers who put their lives on the line, their homes their families futures, were done in by the internet.That's sad, but true.
The voice of experience.

Lrsky,Most highend manufacturers do not sell on the internet.Granted most used stuff is sold on the internet.Just my thoughts.