Soundstage depth how to improve? Shootout

Yes, soundstage depth behind the speakers, how can we improve this, and what equipment is most important for this?

Deeper speakers have more sound depth?

Toe-in speakers makes it worse?

Has tube quality something to do with it?

Cables not, that is a fact!

Combination/match preamp/amp?

Distance speakers from backwall have impact, that is also a fact!

Before I had a unison research sinfonia integrated(2×ecc82+2×ecc83 +4×6550) and the depth was much better, the depth behind the speakers was about 6 to 8 foot behind the speakers by estimate.

Now I have a Coincident statement line stage mk2(2×101D) with triode corporation trx-m300(2×310A+1×274B+1×300B’s) amps, and it is maybe half that??

The difference is almost 20k$.

Shoot me, I don’t know....

Speakers: living voice obx-rw2

Digi: bryston bda2 + bdp2



Setup 100 cent. Need find proper distance from wall. My rockport 15 feet from front and 6 from side dimension crazy good. Rel stack 8 feet in room play with that distance but I move across globe so look for simple system for new place. Look for japan horn.

I just realized you have a photo of your system under your profile. You want a deeper sound stage… remove the equipment from between your speakers and add dampening material behind the system. See my system. My soundstage goes behind my wall and is separated from my speakers.

Everyone many thank’s, you all brought me wise things to do, and learned me a lot , so I understand more about how and why.

First thing will be shuffeling around with the speakers and treat the music with roomtreatment.

In the future the coincident statement speaker mk2 line stage gets competition from an other line stage, maybe a Supratek Cabernet DHT, and will probably leave the building, because the mid-high is a bit too much.

The triodes trx-m300 ’s will get takatsuki’s 274b(anyone want to sell a pair?) and some new western electric 300b’s(offers?)!

The 310A’s, I don’t know if I can replace them with western electric’s?(anyone with a spare quad for sale?)

Now it’s time to enjoy the music and not think of equipment 😁.
