Soundstage depth how to improve? Shootout

Yes, soundstage depth behind the speakers, how can we improve this, and what equipment is most important for this?

Deeper speakers have more sound depth?

Toe-in speakers makes it worse?

Has tube quality something to do with it?

Cables not, that is a fact!

Combination/match preamp/amp?

Distance speakers from backwall have impact, that is also a fact!

Before I had a unison research sinfonia integrated(2×ecc82+2×ecc83 +4×6550) and the depth was much better, the depth behind the speakers was about 6 to 8 foot behind the speakers by estimate.

Now I have a Coincident statement line stage mk2(2×101D) with triode corporation trx-m300(2×310A+1×274B+1×300B’s) amps, and it is maybe half that??

The difference is almost 20k$.

Shoot me, I don’t know....

Speakers: living voice obx-rw2

Digi: bryston bda2 + bdp2



@klappertjedundas - what are the dimensions of your room?

How far are the speakers from the wall (behind the speakers)

How far away from the listening position is the wall behind the listening position

RE: your statement -

Cables not, that is a fact!

By that - Do you mean - you believe cables will not impact image?

I’m just wondering, because my cables have made the biggest impact to the imaging in my system - much more than anything else - for both digital and analogue components. But I had to get the right cables :-).

So I am also curious to know - what cables are you using?

Cheers - Steve


My room almost sounds symmetrical, means the soundstage is left and right way outside the speakers, depend on recording but sometimes about 4 foot. Q-sound recordings are also 90% symmetrical and completly left and right of me, almost behind me.

Vocals are between the speakers, a bit behind. Instruments and vocals on left or right speaker are little forward. With a choir in a church or an Orchestra I was used to hear(with the Unison Research Sinfonia) it mostly behind the speakers also wide, you could hear the room or church room in the recording like a big cloud. Now that is quit flat, not behind not forward, wide yes! I like live performance a bit upfront and choir/Orchestra a bit with room behind. The Unison had a deeper, but absolute no wider ss, and is a bit darker sounding but very comprehensive, but not as detailed. Give me warmth, musicality, live, micro/macro dynamics😁.

Cables ac are jps power ac+ for amps and cardas golden reference for pre and jps the digital ac for dac.

Links are PhantomCable gold and Nordost Frey2...all rca.

Speakercables are PhantomCable gold.

The frey will go...too detailed and not comprehensive and musical enough.

Ac is clean, not much around here...small village.

Treatment I will do.


Headphones is a good startingpoint for people who want to start the hifi hobby, you learn cheaply about a lot aspects about sound. It safes a lot $$ in the end.




Speakers are 10 feet apart

Listening position is 11 feet from baffle and 4 feet from back window😪

Speakers(rear) are almost 6 feet from backwall.

Cables improve coherence and imaging sounds, but minimal effect ss in my opinion. 



You are right and i cannot agree more..

I begin with my 7 headphones my journey...



Headphones is a good startingpoint for people who want to start the hifi hobby, you learn cheaply about a lot aspects about sound. It safes a lot $$ in the end.



Once you get your system to sound like flesh and blood performers in room chances are you'll love being closer to performers. The fact you need them to be at distance from you is sign of something amiss. Your new amp and pre are higher resolving than prior setup, this is exposing some flaw elsewhere. Nothing wrong with your equipment here, both are top flight performers!

I believe you have nailed it.  The OP's current equipment is really  top notch and in my opinion actually providing the more real or natural presentation.  However I do recognize that if a more recessed sound stage is desired then go for it.   Individual preference is a critical factor. 
