Soundsmith monitors - Opinions wanted

I read over at AA that these monitors knocked the sox off a few visitors at the Axpona show over in Jacksonville last weekend. From those who have had some personal listening experience can you give me some idea of the strengths and weaknesses of these speakers? I am particularly interested in the $2K model and are looking for a smaller speaker that is refined yet can play loud when asked to.

Just wondering ( as you didnt mention it ), but have you asked this question over at AA ?
First heard the monitors at the 2007 Rmaf. Some of the best sounding monitors around. Don't seem to get much press?
I did not ask over there but probably will. As Magnumpi205 asks the speakers don't seem to get much press or discussion. I love "below the radar" gear and I'm on a quest to find a less than expensive monitor that works for me. Listened to some Tonian Labs stuff (very nice), soon to listen to the NOLA boxers, after that I'll have some older Spendors that a friend is selling, in to listen to, and finally some Minuets.

The few opinions I've read on the Sound-Smith speaker seem to be exceptionally positive, from people that don't own the product. I'm in Southern California so I'm trying to track down someone who may sell the line.

I attended Axpona and spent more time in the Soundsmith room than any other room at the show. I got to meet Peter, the designer and President of the company. He had two pairs of his own designed speakers set up in the room. They were actually quite small but delivered outstanding clarity and musicality. I currently own a pair of Green Mountain Audio Callistos. They are set up in my office system and sound superb. After hearing the Soundsmith Monarch speakers, I have decided to buy a pair. The bass response was surprisingly good for their size. They did everything right. Although Glory gave them "3rd" best room, I gladly gave them "best of show". There were so many digital setups that when I had the opportunity to hear nothing but analogue, and listening to the Strain Gauge phono cartridge system that Peter had set up, it made me truly realize that this man's products are the best I've ever heard. I could not more highly recommend buying these speakers or for that matter, any of his products. It's what music is all about.
Some reviewer online comments....when we used the Monarch's and Dragonfly's.....

“Float my Boat” RMAF Review Link from Jack Roberts about Soundsmith from 2009:

Soundsmith among “Best Sounding Rooms RMAF 2009 by Alan Sircom – HiFi+ and TAS (He was listening to the smaller Dragonfly's)

Peter Ledermann/Soundsmith
Thanks Peter. Because these speakers are difficult to audition 9at least on the West Coast) I wonder if there is anyone in the SoCal area that has the Monarchs and might be amenable for me to have a listen. This is the one downside to "under the radar" gear...sometimes it can be tough to listen to the stuff outside of electronic shows and the like.


Did you get the monitors yet from Peter? If so, would you mind posting your impressions? Thanks.