Sound room humidity

Hello all. I am wondering if any of you use a humidifier in your sound room and level of humidity do you try to maintain? Is 35% a reasonable number? Thank you. 


Interesting, never really thought about humidity changing sound. Usually do it for comfort, static reasons. 

Here in the PNW, we have had a colder winter, humidity has dropped into the 20%, my skin hates it, my plants hate it, my TT really hates it. Been running my humidifier 12+ hours a day on high. Got the humidity around 45% now. Can't say I notice a sound difference. But I have thinking "my system sounds really good" lately. 

Well I had heard a number of arguments both ways. From too much humidity can change the sound to needing to get humidity up for static electricity and even other things so I was curious what guys on this forum were doing. I think I will shoot for about 35 to 40 percent and see how that works out. Thank you for all your comments. 

35-40% is what I attempt just for health/comfort and I monitor the LR and both BR’s.

Don’t care for 50%+ sound wise, but is it the sound waves or my sinuses/ears?

