Sound quality of Roon

I am considering trying Roon.  I have been using my Bluesound Node but I am going to upgrade as I do enjoy streaming more and more using Tidal.  It is quite an investment to get a NUC or Nucleus and then have a separate tablet to control it all.

But apart from the cost I have read some people say Roon does not sound good.  Their streamer by blah blah sounds better.  Is this true?  For all that is required to use Roon, the hardware, the subscription and all, would Roon be popular if it made digital streaming sound bad?

I would love to hear people who have experience comment on this.  There is info on the Roon Labs discussion site but as you can imagine it is saying this is BS Roon sounds great.  I guess Roon as a software also has had updates, so maybe this is a thing that might have been true in the past?  


I would not trust TAS to carry my lunch let alone evaluate something. 

@theaudiomaniac Fair point. 

First started out with a Roon Core running on an iMAC and using a Bryston BDP as endpoint then into my DAC. Bryston Manic Moose uses MPD and it sounded better than Roon when I took Roon out of the system. Then I moved the Core to a SGC ST and hard wired that to a Velop Mesh node as well as the Bryston. Also upgraded the network cables now the Roon/Qobuz combo are so close to the Bryston/Qobuz combo I just run Roon. If I really want to listen critically I switch the Bryston to MPD mode but most of the time now I can not discern a difference. Same with playing FLAC files off attached storage on the BDP.  Its nice having an endpoint that can quickly switch between native and Roon ready.  BDP MPD switch is a snap.

OP, you should try a free Roon trial and see how it sounds for you.  I now use a combo of Roon and Tidal via my iMac, through an Audioquest Carbon USB wire into my Michi X3.  

Thanks for the additional comments. I am slowly feeling my way through this to figure out what is the best way to try Roon.

@jjs49 your comments were really helpful to my understanding, as always.  I am wondering if you wouldn't mind saying if you were to start now with Roon knowing what you know, and were trying to do it well, meaning good sound, and easy to use, but at lowest cost possible, how would you start?


Some people here seem to post without reading what’s been said earlier. I guess this topic is getting kinda long.

I agree with previous poster, do a trial of Roon.  It's what I did.  You got the BS Node and it can be an endpoint.  Just make sure you got all the piece parts in place so you can eval without having to mess with hardware config during eval period.