Sorry, it’s not me, it’s you?

I’ve tried everything, but it didn’t work out.  My speakers suck.  Different cables, different music, different placement, it didn’t matter what I did.  When I replaced them with some old standbys(after burning in the new speakers for over 60 hours), the magic came back.

i just bought the speakers 2 weeks ago at the Black Friday sale, and I finally realized it was a big mistake.  So today I took them back, and frankly, I feel relieved.  
Has anyone else had this experience with speakers or components?  Maybe even after a couple of years?

Showing 2 responses by aewarren

I'm guessing the speakers in question were not a good match for your system and/or your room. Your dealer should have done a better job of recommending a suitable speaker for your situation, otherwise you may as well buy on-line. But if you buy from a dealer, do not be afraid to ask for his opinion. That's what he there for.
I hope the Kefs work out for you. System and room synergy are very important in the purchase decision and should not be overlooked. The speakers have to work in YOUR room and with YOUR electronics. There is no perfect speaker, not even Tekton :), that will integrate universally. Happy listening!