Soooooooo many possibilities...!

Hello folks :)
Humbly request to tap into the vast experience and knowledge that is the Audiogonners history.
What preamp and/or phono stage would give a really nice soundstage, and sound, with my equipment?
Said equipment consists of a pair of McIntosh MC1000 amps, a pair of McIntosh XR200 speakers, and a Denon DP 59L turntable.
Audio Research Ref 6 has not sold me, and, wonder if something else out there may sound better...  Also, is an Audio Research Ref 2 Phono a good route to go?
Thank you:)
All the research done this week mentions no remote.  If you get a minute and can post a link that would be great.
Given what you're looking for I'd try to audition a VAC preamp if possible.  Although it may be a little low brow for this discussion, Don Sachs SP14 preamps are getting great reviews and he offers a short in-home trial, which is really nice.  Backert may also be worth a look. 

For a phono pre I'd second the Allnic recommendation and add the Herron VTPH.  Along with the Steelhead they all get consistently stellar reviews.  Which one has the right flavor for you?  No friggin' clue.  Best of luck. 

Yes, Matt at Atmos-Spere confirms there is a remote.  For maybe 5 or so years now.  I must be reading older material.
Thank you gdnrbob
Atmo-Sphere MP-3 has no remote. Which would be nice.
We do have a remote.

Editing the website has become a nightmare since we changed ISPs.
With your Mac amps, be careful of impedance issues with many of the non-Mac tube pre-amps out there  --  for example the CJ ACT II is a great pre-amp, but did not play well at all with our MC452.  I ended up using the C2500 with the MC452 to very nice results (but you definitely will want to roll out the stock tubes that come with any Mac pre-amp).