Sony amplification sufficient to drive GP Homes?

I have the Sony TAE-9000ES/TAN-9000ES and recently desire to upgrade the fronts to the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home. I already have the matching Solo Homes center. I am only concerned on the Sony not being able to drive the GP Homes to optimum. Will the Sony have ample power in reserve to create a great Home Theater environment with the GP Homes?

Any feedbacks would be most appreciated.

Glad to help. Hope you had a nice holiday! By the way, if you utilize the electronic crossover in your processor for bass-management, be sure to use the unfiltered input on your sub (usually labeled "LFE" or set crossover to "external/out") if it has this feature. Otherwise, turn the active sub's crossover to it's highest setting to get it out of the way, then blend the sub's output to your mains using it's volume and phase controls.

But I cannot take all the credit here, this advice is right out of the THX handbook. They've done all the homework. In fact, many people do not realize that on a THX-equipped receiver/processor, engaging THX mode will override the user's bass-management settings. For example, if you tell your receiver that you have "large" front speakers, a "large" center channel, etc. during intitial setup, that's what you will get listening to Dolby Digital/DTS. But as soon as you engage THX processing, THX will (among other things) override your settings and set all main speakers to "small" and sub to "on" with crossover set to 80hz. Pretty cool, huh?
Forgot to mention that I do have a powered sub which is mandatory for HT.

Merry Xmas to all.

That is interesting. I've never toyed around with the idea of manipulating the settings of the speakers on the processor and have always stuck to the manuals on setting them 'large' if using huge floorstanders. This suggestion has given the Sony a new lease of life in handling difficult loads. I do not have an SPL meter though but anyway guess I can adjust the volume of all speakers using the test tone of the processor. Well, looks like there is still salvation in my quest of retaining the Sony as the core amplification for HT.

Cheers and thanks to all responses.

I think it's a just matter of degree. In home theater, it's important to achieve maximum dynamic range in the system and to avoid distortion. You have to use bass-management properly to achieve this. Your Sony amp would most likely sound very good in your proposed system IF you apply proper bass management. I would suggest you set all channels to "small" and subwoofer "on" (assuming you have a powered subwoofer (or two!). Even if your main speakers are large floor-standing hulks, set them to "small" for bass-management.

Set your crossover to either 80hz or 100hz depending on the in-room bass response of your mains. Dial in the proper volume for all speakers and sub using a SPL meter and voila! - your TA-N9000ES will coast through the most demanding movie soundtrack without breaking a sweat.

I wouldn't discount it altogether, just saying that it does sound good with better amplification. Since Hi Fi Buys aka Tweeter carry these, it would be pretty easy to test them at a store or even better bring them home (30 day return). Best of luck.
Hi Maineiac,

For 2-channel listening, I have the Plinius SA-100MkIII driving the SF GP Concerto which is the older model. Since the GPH require quality amplification, I guess the Sony is not up to the task and have ditched the plan of getting those speakers for my HT setup.

Thanks for responding anyway.
I am not familiar with your Sony, but have listened many times to SF GPH, those are really nice speakers. You should hear a difference with an upgraded receiver/amp. I heard them in a HT configuration once with a B&K seperates set-up which sounded great. What is your listening 2 channel vs. multi going to be? Also, what budget range are we talkiing about?