Sonus Faber Electa Amator III vs. the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4?

I have heard both the Sonus Faber Electa Amator III and the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4 but each were in markedly different environments.  Anyone been able to make a more direct comparison than I have been able?  I would be using a Luxman L-590 AxII Class A integrated amp at home.

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They were perfect for what I was looking for at the time. That move made a big jump in the right direction and exactly what I expected. I find that for me it is a target that I am zeroing in on… I better understand the target the closer I can get to it. So, I am always learning. Over the last fifteen years I don’t think I have gotten off the path as I have earlier… but been carefully navigating the line towards real fidelity to live music. It is a pursuit where you may never get there but you can get so close it doesn’t matter.


I first heard Sonus Faber speakers several years before the SF made the change in their sound. They really turned my head. I couldn’t quite get my head around what made them sound so unique, I wasn’t positive it was good… it was not bad. But the memory stuck. A couple years later I had theorized Sonus Faber had sounded exceptionally natural and real. I read all about the change in sound that SF had made, it had just happened. So as a test, I bought a used pair of Cremona M speaker that I knew were made before the sound change. Within a day, I knew this was the right sound and ordered the just released Olympica 3 thinking with the greater detail, they would be perfect… they were.

I think the change in Sonus Faber house sound (to be more neutral less warm) was about fifteen years ago? I think.


So I used an AI. The output must be verified… it’s usually good.. but can be very wrong.

1. Guarneri Homage: This iconic speaker was first introduced in 1993 and has gone through several iterations since then. The original Guarneri Homage is highly sought after by audiophiles and can fetch a high price on the second-hand market.

2. Electa Amator: The Electa Amator was first introduced in 1995 and is another classic Sonus Faber speaker. It features a 1 dome tweeter and a 6.5 mid-bass driver in a compact cabinet.

3. Guarneri Memento: This speaker was introduced in 2000 as a special edition of the Guarneri Homage to celebrate the company’s 15th anniversary. It features upgraded drivers and a more refined cabinet design than the original Guarneri Homage.

4. Extrema: The Extrema was first introduced in 2002 and is a unique stand-mounted speaker that features a curved cabinet design and a 1 dome tweeter and a 7 mid-bass driver. It was designed to provide exceptional sound quality in a compact package.

5. Toytown: The Toytown was introduced in 2003 and is a small stand-mounted speaker that features a 1 dome tweeter and a 4 mid-bass driver. It was designed to provide high-end sound quality in a small, unobtrusive package.